Monday, April 17, 2023

AI takes up garb of maths, science teacher as online education website launches ChatGPT rival

Chegg is an American company that provides services to students. These services include physical and digital textbook rentals, help with homework, tutoring and more. The NYSE-listed company is now launching a new study aid software called CheggMate, which will offer personalized study guides and practice tests to students, using the power of artificial intelligence (AI). The underlying technology of CheggMate is GPT-4 which has been developed by OpenAI and also powers the paid version of the ChatGPT.

The company claims that the software is designed to adapt to students by processing data on the classes they are taking and the exam questions they have missed, providing targeted support to help them achieve their goals.

The new CheggMate software will be focusing on math and science, according to a report by Reuters. In order to avoid being misused like ChatGPT, CheggMate creators claim that it has been designed to limit reviews of answers to current exam questions.

Chegg's CEO, Dan Rosensweig, has described CheggMate as a "tutor in your pocket," which will enable students to get the personalized support they need to succeed. The software will be available for free initially, and Chegg expects it to reduce content costs and boost profitability over time.

Also read: ChatGPT created its own language to break free from word limits; meet Shogtongue

On the other hand, the platform ChatGPT has been facing flak for unregulated use by students. Last year, the launch of ChatGPT led to some schools banning access to the chatbot, out of concern that it could be used to plagiarize coursework. CheggMate plans to tackle the issue by focusing on math and science.

CheggMate is not the only educator that is trying to incorporate the power of AI to boost their scale and efficiency. Khan Academy was also one of the first online education websites that included the latest GPT-4 technology to derive personalised experiences for students.

Also read: OpenAI ChatGPT VS Google Bard: Which AI chatbot is the real disruptor?

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